- The validation of a big category scenario lead to an error message.
- Error : 'Invalid security token'
- The Ctserver technical log traces the following lines:
ERROR application - The certificate of session {F29AF9DD-9973-41B7-91C2-8D0D9ACD91A9} is invalid.
ERROR framework.messaging - Invalid outgoing queue, child {{E58AF021-82B1-422C-9646-17381186A123}} is not registered.
ERROR application - The certificate of session {F29AF9DD-9973-41B7-91C2-8D0D9ACD91A9} is invalid
PID=13992 THD=14628 USR= MSG=10139 ERROR application - The certificate of session {F29AF9DD-9973-41B7-91C2-8D0D9ACD91A9} is invalid.
PID=13992 THD=14628 USR= MSG=0 WARN security.authentication - Invalid security token.
SAP Financial Consolidation All versions
validation , référentiel , lease , expiration , crash , erreur , deconnection , disconnection , KBA , EPM-BFC-REP , Data Entry , Problem
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