- SAP BO Explorer web session will expire ONLY if the user either: log off or close the SAP BO Explorer page in the browser
- An opened & unattended SAP BO Explorer web session stays active until log off/ closing of the SAP BO Explorer page
- If the SAP BO Explorer page gets closed / log off, the SAP Explorer web session will expire according to the session timeout settings in the web.xml file
- SAP BusinessObjects Explorer 3.x
- SAP BusinessObjects Explorer 4.x
SAP BusinessObjects Explorer 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Explorer 4.0, feature pack 3 ; SAP BusinessObjects Explorer 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.2
SAP BO Explorer, polestar, session, web, web session, timeout, time out, expire, expiration, browser, page, tab, web.xml, session-timeout , KBA , BI-RA-EXP , Obsolete: Polestar, Explorer , Problem
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