Symptom 1:
During an upgrade to any ECC 6.0 release (SR, EHP or SP on a ECC 6.0 environment), the following error is raised during TABIM_UPG phase:
2EETW000 Update and insert sequence failed due to conflicting unique indexes on table DSYS_PHHEAD_ECD2 (please read OSS note 626915 for details)
However OSS note 626915 provides general guidance and does not contain information about this specific error.
Symptom 2:
The same error appears during an upgrade using Do DMO in phase TABIM_SHADOW_UPG2.
Software Update Manager(SUM), NetWeaver AS ABAP, ECC 6.0
DSYS_PHHEAD_ECD2, upgrade, TABIM_UPG, update, insert sequence, unique index, indexes, conflicting unique indexes, non-unique, SE11, DSYS_PHHEAD_ECD2~PHI, TABIM_SHADOW_UPG2, unlocksys, unlock_eu, locksys, lock_eu, MAIN_NEWBAS, MAIN_NEWBAS/TABIM_UPG, TABIMUPG.LOG, TABIMUPG.ELG , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , PY-XX-FO-HRD , HR Documentation , Problem
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