- The purchasers creates a RFx/Contract/Purchaser Order from sourcing, but when they click on the follow-on document link in Step 4 of the Sourcing Cockpit they get a PD error.
- 'An error occurred in the PD layer, transaction terminated' is displayed when trying to create a follow-on document from the Sourcing Cockpit.
- Purchaser creates a follow-on document from the Sourcing Cockpit but when they try to display the document they get a PD layer error.
- SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management
- Extended Classic, Classic and local scenario.
SAP Supplier Relationship Management 2005 ; SAP Supplier Relationship Management 2007 ; SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0 ; SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0 on SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management all versions
EBP, SE16, SM13, BBP_PD_OBJ_REL_UPDATE_VB, bbpsoco01, SOCO, Bid Invitation, EBP, TOJTB, SWO4. , KBA , SRM-EBP-SOC , Sourcing , Problem
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