You print an "SAP Interactive Form by Adobe" with a PDF-Device Type (for example: Device Type PDF1 or PDFUC). PDF data will be created, which can be printed in the following ways:
- Display and print the PDF in the Adobe Reader program. In this case the printout will be identical to the printout from Acrobat Reader's print preview in the SAP environment.
- Print the spool request on an Output Device with Access Method G (front-end printing) or Access Method S (using SAPSprint) where SAPPDFPrint is installed.
- Send the PDF directly to a printer which can process and print PDF.
The print results of the first two techniques differ from the third one. For example: the characters are shifted, the margins are wider (or narrower), or other inconsistencies appear on the printout.
- SAPPDFPrint (all releases)
- ADS (all releases) / IFbA (all releases)
Adobe Document Services, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Druck, Drucker, Drucken, Koppelart, IFbA, SAP PDFPrint , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , BC-SRV-FP , Forms Processing , How To
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