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1849996 - Identical output of ADS requests (SAPPDFPrint)


You print an "SAP Interactive Form by Adobe" with a PDF-Device Type (for example: Device Type PDF1 or PDFUC). PDF data will be created, which can be printed in the following ways:

  1. Display and print the PDF in the Adobe Reader program. In this case the printout will be identical to the printout from Acrobat Reader's print preview in the SAP environment.
  2. Print the spool request on an Output Device with Access Method G (front-end printing) or Access Method S (using SAPSprint) where SAPPDFPrint is installed.
  3. Send the PDF directly to a printer which can process and print PDF.

The print results of the first two techniques differ from the third one. For example: the characters are shifted, the margins are wider (or narrower), or other inconsistencies appear on the printout.



  • SAPPDFPrint (all releases)
  • ADS (all releases) / IFbA (all releases)


Adobe Document Services, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Druck, Drucker, Drucken, Koppelart, IFbA, SAP PDFPrint , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , BC-SRV-FP , Forms Processing , How To

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