- Route definition cannot be changed.
- Routes Stages are non modifiable in production system
- Is there a way of making 0VTC transportable?
- "Client XXX has status' not modifiable."
- The only method of cleaning TROLZ is through manual intervention with customizing transaction 0VRF. Is there another way?
- Customising transaction 0VTC is not open for change in production.
- Sales And Distribution (SD)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
SAP ERP 6.0 ; SAP ERP Central Component 5.0 ; SAP ERP Central Component 6.0 ; SAP R/3 4.0A ; SAP R/3 4.0B ; SAP R/3 4.5A ; SAP R/3 4.5B ; SAP R/3 4.6A ; SAP R/3 4.6B ; SAP R/3 4.6C ; SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7x110 (Extension Set 1.10) ; SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7x200 (Extension Set 2.00) ; SAP enhancement package 6 for SAP ERP 6.0, version for SAP HANA ; mySAP ERP 2004
VC_TVRO, V_TVRO_COM, V_TVRAB, V_TVKN_COM,SOBJ, VC_TROLZ, SIMG, SIMG_CFMENUOLSD0VTD, 0VRF, ECC, "Routen definieren", "Definir rutas", "Définition de l'itinéraire", "Definir itinerários", "Routenabschnitt", "Etapa de ruta", "L'étape de l'itinéraire", "Estágio de rota" , KBA , LE-TRA , Transportation , Problem
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