After a failover of the master node was done, SAP application servers are no longer able to connect to the database. The trace files of the work processes contain the following error:
C Loading SQLDBC client runtime ... |
An SQLDBC trace would show the same error, but additionally also the hostname to which the workprocess tried to connect is displayed:
HOST LIST: node1:33315, |
Hostname node1 is the former master node that is no longer running but has failed over to node2. An SQLDBC trace can be activated using the following commands:
hdbsqldbc_cons config trace filename C:\temp\SQLDBC_%p.log
hdbsqldbc_cons trace sql on
hdbsqldbc_cons trace packet on
hdbsqldbc_cons trace debug on
Command 'hdbsqldbc_cons trace off' can be used to switch off the trace again. In case of Windows systems, the following steps have to be taken into consideration:
- The SAP workprocesses are running under the account of the SAPService<SID> user. In many installations, explicit logon with this user has been disabled. In order to nevertheless trace what the workprocesses are doing, the username of this service user has to be passed to hdbsqldbc_cons:
hdbuserstore -u <domain>\SAPService<SID>
- The SAPService<SiD> user might not have the authorization to write into all directories the <sid>adm has access to. Consequently, whenever the trace has been activated for the SAPService<SID> user and no trace files have been created, this user is most likely missing the required authorizations. In order to avoid this, the work directory of the SAP instance can be specified as trace directory:
hdbsqldbc_cons -u <domain>\SAPService<SID> config trace filename<DRIVE>:\usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS<xx>\work\SQLDBC_%p.log
SAP HANA, platform edition
Scale Out; Failover; master node; userstore; hostnames; standby nodes; user <sid>adm; SAPService<SID>; 10061; No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it; hdbuserstore; hdbuserstore SET DEFAULT; , KBA , HAN-DB-CLI , SAP HANA Clients (JDBC, ODBC) , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , Problem
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