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1852885 - Chinese language mapping between ABAP and JAVA system


If you configure the UME user datasource to be ABAP (no matter in a dual installation or a pure JAVA engine installation), the Chinese language key can't be maintained as the same value in both ABAP and JAVA systems.

UME locale "Chinese" and "Chinese (Hong Kong)" can't be mapped from ABAP language key ZH and ZF.



  • Netweaver Application Server Java 7.0x and above
  • UME user datasource is an ABAP system


SAP Composition Environment all versions ; SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions


ABAP system JAVA engine dual stack installation Hong Kong HK Chinese China Taiwan trad. UME user datasource language key mapping mapped ZH ZF Format country locale , KBA , BC-JAS-SEC-UME , User Management Engine , How To

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