After logging in or when calling the standard reports an error message appears.
Default Trace (In the trace file logged as Error 500):
ERROR BRAIN (258): Key figure '0ASA_MP01_CKCUTIL_TC' is not correctly defined MSGV1: 0ASA_MP01_CKCUTIL_TC
ABEND BRAIN (635): Query 0ASA_MP01_Q1002 could not be opened. MSGV1: 0ASA_MP01_Q1002
HTTPWatch shows:
GET 404 error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><bui:CustomApplicationMessage xmlns:bui=""><bui:code>BUI_PS_MSG_074</bui:code><bui:severity>Error</bui :severity><bui:description>Payload does not exist</bui:description></bui:CustomApplicationMessage
GET 500 error
{"messages":[{"key":"BI_SERVER_ERROR","type":"ERROR","params":[],"details":" RuntimeException: Termination message sent \nERROR BRAIN (258): Key figure '0ASA_MP01_CKCUTIL_TC' is not correctly defined\n MSGV1: 0ASA_MP01_CKCUTIL_TC\nABEND BRAIN (635): Query 0ASA_MP01_Q1002 could not be opened.\n MSGV1: 0ASA_MP01_Q1002\n\tat\n\tat
SPM3.0 prior versions to SPM3.0 SP3.
jmhiv, epm-sa, spm, spend performance management, EPM, SAP SA, SAP SPEND PERFORMANCE MGMT, SAP Spend Performance Management, SAP Spend Analytics, SPM, EPM-SA, SAP BOBJ SPEND PERF MGMT, jmhiv2016e, SAP BusinessObjects Spend Performance Management , KBA , EPM-SA , Spend Analytics , Problem
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