When starting utility_db, you get the error "A database server with that name has already started".
I. 04/16 15:35:47. Database server started at Tue Apr 16 2013 15:35
I. 04/16 15:35:47. Trying to start SharedMemory link ...
I. 04/16 15:35:47. SharedMemory link started successfully
I. 04/16 15:35:47. Trying to start TCPIP link ...
I. 04/16 15:35:47. Starting on port 2638
I. 04/16 15:35:47. Server name utility_db already in use
I. 04/16 15:35:47. TCPIP communication link not started
I. 04/16 15:35:47. TCPIP listener on IP address is exiting
I. 04/16 15:35:47. TCPIP listener on IP address (::):2638 is exiting
E. 04/16 15:35:48. A database server with that name has already started
I. 04/16 15:35:48. Database server shutdown due to startup error
I. 04/16 15:35:48. Database server stopped at Tue Apr 16 2013 15:35
Communication error
- SAP IQ 15.2
- SAP IQ 15.4
- SAP IQ 16.0
- SAP IQ 16.1
KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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