- Work processes frequently restart
- In some cases, the system does not respond at all
- The SysLog (Transaction SM21) contains many entries showing the error message:
"Initialization SNC Failed, Return Code -000001"
- The developer traces (transaction ST11) for some or all work processes show messages like the following:
M *** ERROR => DlLoadLib()==DLENOACCESS - LoadLibrary(\\<hostname>\sapmnt\<SID>\SYS\exe\nuc\NTAMD64\<library name>.dll)
Error 999 = "Error performing inpage operation." [dlnt.c 255]
N *** ERROR => SncPDLInit()==SNCERR_INIT, Adapter #1 (\\<hostname>\sapmnt\<SID>\SYS\exe\nuc\NTAMD64\<library name>.dll) not loaded
- SNC secured ABAP system
- Installed on Microsoft Windows
- Release independent
- Independent of your actual choice of SNC product
KBA , BC-SEC-SNC , Secure Network Communications , How To
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