Customer seeing message based sync (MBS) failure due to these messages in the logs referenced below.
Device Mobile Object Client Access (MOCA) Log:
16T172629, T4, 1053, -2146233088 ClientQueue error - <object>monet:SUPBridge.dll:SUPBridge</object><method>MessageFromClient</method> Send message exception
16T172629, T4, ClientQueue - Not going to retry.
JMSBridge log:
20130416T172312.132|2|sup.mbs.moca.4 System.IO.IOException: Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.
SUPBridge Log:
20130416T172303.411|1|com.sybase.sup.jms.SupSendException: Unable to send message
The issue appears on Windows Server 2008, but may appear on other Windows versions.
KBA , MOB-SUP , Sybase Unwired Platform , Problem
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