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1855211 - Analyzing user locked situations in HANA Studio


A technical database user is locked repeatedly (after changing the password) and thus an application cannot connect to the SAP HANA database.

When checking the traces or HANA Studio for further input, you find one of the following:

  • The indexserver tracefile contains the following error:
    e dbapiRequestProc RequestProcessor.cpp(00528) : SQL exception. Code: 416 Message: user is locked; try again later: lock time is 1440 minutes; user is locked until
  • Via HANA Studio -> Security -> Users, the locked user shows: Status: Deactivated; Reason: Too many invalid connect attempts

You want to trace who is locking the user and find out the client host or IP address (still using e.g. the previous logon-data) in case this happens again.



SAP HANA Platform


SAP HANA, platform edition all versions


too many invalid connect attempts, HANA, user locked, 416, SQL exception, unlock, password, SYSTEM, invalid credentials, auditing policy, AUDIT_LOG, technical user, technical user, locked, repeatedly, reset, multiple, frequently ,SQL exception. Code: 416 Message: user is locked; try again later: lock time is 1440 minutes; user is locked until,Analyzing user locked situations
  , KBA , HAN-STD-ADM-DBA , SAP HANA Studio (Eclipse) Admin Tooling , BI-BIP , Business intelligence platform , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , Problem

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