- Creating a connection to Enterprise Connect Data Access (ECDA) to a Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)
- SRS reports the following error:
ERROR #1028 USER(...) - seful/cm.c(7850)
Message from server: Message: 30291, State 0, Severity 19 -- '[[Message Iteration=1|Data Source Name=xxx\xxx|SQLState=42000|Native Error=15002|Message=[Easysoft][SQL Server Driver 11.0][SQL Server]The procedure 'sys.sp_indexoption' cannot be executed within a transaction.]'.
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) all versions
- Enterprise Connect Data Access (ECDA) all versions
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008
- Windows 2008
30291 Message from server: Message: 15002, State 0, Severity 16 SQLState=42000 Native Error=15002 sys.sp_indexoption MSSQL , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , BC-SYB-ECD , Enterprise Connect (ECDA) , Bug Filed
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