When attempting to connect a device to Afaria using the XNETS protocol:
- The connection fails
- The following message is seen in the Afaria Server Message log: 'XRS1391: Unable to establish SSL Connection with client at IP address. EXPLANATION: A Client requested a SSL or HTTPS connection on this server, but the SSL handshake could not be completed. (Failing function: ASSLSocket::Init. Return code: 87.)'
- The server connections were operating correctly before a newly installed Relay Server Outbound Enabler (RSOE) was added to the system
- Afaria 6.6
- Afaria 7.x
SAP Afaria 6.6 ; SAP Afaria 7.0
xnets, secure socket layer, android, certificate, xrs 1391, https, CN conflict , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem
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