- Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 32752 bytes for ChunkPool::allocate. Out of swap space or heap resource limit exceeded (check with limits or ulimit)?" is the error in hs_err_<PID>.log files are created in instance work directory.
- Additionally you can find these errors in the dev_server file(location: /usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/work):
F [Thr 6256] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: abort hook is called
F *** ERROR => Java VM crashed
# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
# Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 32752 bytes for ChunkPool::allocate. Out of swap space or heap resource limit exceeded (check with limits or ulimit)?
- The Application server JAVA is not accessible
- Release Independent
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP IQ 15.4
Java, Cache, ReservedCodeCacheSize, Java VM crashed, SfCJavaVm, Memory allocation, parameter, JIT stopped, Code cache is full, ChunkPool, malloc, limits, ulimit, allocate, hs_err, insufficient, memory, Runtime, Environment , KBA , kde , BC-OP-AIX , IBM AIX , BC-JVM , SAP Java Virtual Machine , Problem
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