- Extractions from Infocube/DSO via DTP are not completing due to the following error message:
Operand data type nvarchar is invalid for sum operator.
Message no. RS_EXCEPTION000 - In the corresponding development trace file further information can be found:
C dbdsmss: DBSL99 SQL8117
C Operand data type nvarchar is invalid for sum operator.
- SAP_BW Business Information Warehouse 7.x with MSSQL database
- Business Warehouse BW
SAP NetWeaver 2004 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4
"sql error 8117", NVARCHAR 8, "Database error 8117 at OPC", RSBK242 , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-TRF , Transformation , BW-WHM-DST-DTP , Data Transfer Process , Problem
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