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1857609 - "No data found" and "CX_AI_SYSTEM_FAULT" on Portal sync


1) Upon running a "Repository Object Sync" job for Portal connector, the job seems to have completed, but the log shows that no objects have been synched.

  • While debugging this job, the following exception is observed in class CL_GRAC_AD_AUTH_MGMT_WS and method IF_GRAC_AD_AUTH_MGMT~GET_ROLE_LIST:


  • Furthermore, in transaction ST11, it can be found the following RFC trace message:

EXEC_PROCESSING SOAP Fault Exception caught: : no permissions to run requested method 

2) Upon running the GRAC_SCHEMA_UPDATE job for SPML connector with "SAPprincipals" as the Schema, the message No Data found is shown.



SAP GRC Access Control 10.0

SAP GRC Access Control 10.1


SAP Access Control 10.0 ; SAP Access Control 10.1


schema update, SAPprincipals, No Data found, GRAC_SCHEMA_UPDATE, EP, Portal, SPML, full sync, sync, repository, object sync, spro, GRACAuthMgmtWebServiceOutBindingVi, GRACAuthMgmtWebServiceOutBindingWsd, no permissions to run requested method, soap, j2ee_admin, get_role_ranges, CL_GRAC_AD_AUTH_MGMT_WS, GROUP_DATA_SOURCE, ROLE_DATA_SOURCE, proxy, CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_CLIENT, SOAP runtime, CO_GRAC_AD_AUTH_MGM_WERSERVICE, LPCONFIG, logical port, synchronization, G type, , KBA , soapfaultcode:5 , /gracauthmgmtwebserviceoutbinding/config , gracauthmgmtwebserviceoutbinding , grac_repository_object_sync , GRC-SAC-ARA , Access Risk Analysis , EP-PIN , SAP Enterprise Portal (On Premise) , How To

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