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1858383 - SPM Data upload failing


After attempting to import data into SPM via Data Management processes; an error is encountered.
In the SPM validation messages screen the error is similar to:
[E]Process ABAP program, variant xSA Hierarchy Creation – DIMENSION_NAME has status Canceled (instance)

Transaction ST22 shows a runtime error similar to:
MESSAGE_TYPE_X RSXSA_HIERARCHY_UPLOAD,  node id NODE_ID has not been included as a sibling node or as a child node



epm-sa, SAP Spend Performance Management (SPM), all versions. 

Error may occur when initiating the first master data loads in a fresh SPM system. All prior loads of other master data have completed successfully. All the necessary configuration for the Process variants have been maintained as per the Note 1587431- Missing Variants for Hierarchy Program.


SAP Spend Performance Management all versions ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3


[E]Process ABAP program, variant xSA Hierarchy Creation - Organization Unit has status Canceled (instance)
Error: Process ABAP program, variant xSA Hierarchy Creation - Organization Unit has status Canceled (instance)
Transaction ST22 shows the following runtime error: MESSAGE_TYPE_X RSXSA_HIERARCHY_UPLOAD
node id 00002940 has not been included as a sibling node or as a child node
The node is also not a root node because the ID of the parent node is not equal to 0
Error while uploading data to BW; check process chain 0ASA_XA_P14 category has status canceled EPM, SAP SA, SAP SPEND PERFORMANCE MGMT, SAP Spend Performance Management, SAP Spend Analytics, SPM, EPM-SA, SAP BOBJ SPEND PERF MGMT, jmhiv2017, SAP BusinessObjects Spend Performance Management , KBA , EPM-SA-ABAP , BW,ABAP Topics , Problem

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