In BI 4.0, a list of values (LoV) is hard coded into a prompt:
@Select(MyClass\MyObject) IN @Prompt('Choose method', 'A', {'Mail','eMail','Both'}, Mono, Constrained, Persistent, {'Both'})
When the list is changed:
@Select(MyClass\MyObject) IN @Prompt('Choose method', 'A', {'Mail','eMail','Text','All'}, Mono, Constrained, Persistent, {'All'})
the change is not reflected in the WebI reports based on this universe.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.0 Support Pack 4
prompt lov list of values lists webi web intelligence unx idt universe design tool doesn't does not won't will can't cannot can update change , KBA , BI-BIP-SL , Semantic Layer , Problem
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