You are having issues with Nota Fiscal Eletrônica Incoming Automation and you will open a new case to SAP Support.
Important: Before opening the case under FI-LOC-BR-NFE-IN component (which is the new component of XX-CSC-BR-NFEIN), please check if the same behavior (error) applies when performing the steps manually in ERP and provide this information in the case.
NFEIN, NFE-IN, Nota Fiscal, WTS, HTTP connection, how to open an case, nf-e incoming automation, abrir case, automação de entradas, GRC, SAP NFE, incoming, entrada , KBA , nfein , nfe-in , nota fiscal , wts , http connection , how to open an incident , automação de entradas , nf-e incoming automation , abrir incidente , grc , sap nfe , incoming , entrada , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-IN , GRC NF-e Inbound Automation , XX-CSC-BR-NFEIN , Use FI-LOC-NFE-BR-IN , SLL-NFE , Nota Fiscal Electronica (NFe) , How To
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