- Sometimes it is required to have access to the client device log file in order to debug a problem
- One of the challenges that administrator faces in the field is to locate the MOCA Log of an iOS device when the device, SUP client, cannot connect to the SUP server to fetch this log from Sybase Control Central.
- This KBA explains where is the file located on the iOS device so the user can get it manually even though the connection to the server is down.
- Sybase Unwired Platform client 2.x
- iOS device
SAP Mobile Platform 2.3 ; Sybase Unwired Platform 2.0 ; Sybase Unwired Platform 2.1 ; Sybase Unwired Platform 2.2
MOCA, SUP, SMP, connection, connects, connect, offline , KBA , MOB-SUP-WRK , Sybase Mobile Workflow , How To
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