An inbound E-Mail arrives in the CRM system. Although it contains a tracking text referring to an existing service ticket/service request, it does not get linked to the business transaction mentioned in the tracking text by ERMS workflow.
You have set up CRM Interaction Center using
- a mail form to insert a tracking text to an outbound mail and
- ERMS workflow to be triggered for inbound E-Mails
Service Tickets (which is a variant of the IC service order business transaction) was introduced in SAP CRM 4.0 Add-On for Services Industries) whereas Service Requests are available starting with CRM 7.0 (SAP note 1261247).
Email Verknüpfung Mailformular , KBA , e-mail threading , CRM-IC-EMS , E-Mail Response Management System , CRM-IC-UNI , Agent Inbox , CRM-IC-EMS-AUT , Automated Rule Processing , Problem
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