For any Account, you have maintained Address along with Address Line 4 (Additional Fields) but in the Account view, the Address Line 4 is not visible.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Account Management work center.
- Select Accounts view.
- Select and Edit an Account.
- Go to Addresses sub-tab of Communication tab.
- Enter address along with entry in the Address Line 4.
- Save and Close.
- Go to Account Management work center.
- Select Accounts view.
- Highlight an Account, the details maintained in the Address Line 4 is displaying under Main Address.
In the Account's details section we do not want to offer the single Postal Address fields but only the formatted address (country specific formatting).
If you would like to see Address Line 4 in the table section, then you can enable the field in the list (Personalize).
The system works as designed.
KBA , AP-BP-BPT , Business Partner Template , How To
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