Opatch logs shows below error:
- "OPatch cannot load inventory for the given Oracle Home."
Inventory load failed... OPatch cannot load inventory for the given Oracle Home.
Possible causes are:
Oracle Home dir. path does not exist in Central Inventory
Oracle Home is a symbolic link
Oracle Home inventory is corrupted
LsInventorySession failed: OracleHomeInventory gets null oracleHomeInfoOPatch failed with error code 73
OR - "LsInventorySession failed: RawInventory gets a null Vector of installed products"
OUI-67073:LsInventorySession failed: RawInventory gets a null Vector of installed products
Finishing LsInventorySession at Fri Nov 22 06:51:19 JST 2019
Stack Description: java.lang.RuntimeException: RawInventory gets a null Vector of installed products
at oracle.opatch.ipm.RawInventory.loadRawInventory(
at oracle.opatch.ipm.RawInventory.init(
at oracle.opatch.ipm.RawInventory.getInstance(
at oracle.opatch.ipm.IPMReadServices.getRawInventory(
at oracle.opatch.ipm.IPMReadServices.loadInventory(
at oracle.opatch.LsInventorySession.process(
at oracle.opatch.OPatchSession.process(
at oracle.opatch.OPatch.process(
at oracle.opatch.OPatch.main(
- Oracle Database Release independent
- SAP Release independent
10g,11g,12c,18c,19c,patch,install,installation,SAP Bundle Patch,SBP,PSU,CPU,SPU,corrupt,corruption,.patch_storage,opatch,mopatch,inventory,corrupt,lsinventory,fail,failed,error code 73,RawInventory gets a null Vector , KBA , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , BC-DB-ORA-INS , Installation SAP System , Problem
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