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1863733 - When opening a "complex" Webi report in a Red Hat 6 server, a "Webi server is down or unreachable" error is shown and the Webi processing Server crashes.


  • A Webi report was created successfully in a BI4 SP02 environment on Red Hat 5.5.
  • The Webi report (with all its data) was moved to a BI4 SP05 - Patch 5 environment on Red Hat 6.
  • When the report (with all of its data) was attempted to be opened in the new environment in the HTML Web Viewer, a "Webi server is down or unreachable" error is shown and the Webi processing Server crashes.
  • If the data is purged and saved in the SP02 environment and moved to the new environment, the report opens fine.  However, when the data is refreshed, the same issue occurs.



  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.0 - SP05 - Patch 5.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Release 6.x


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0


redhat, unix, crashing, crash, crashes, SP5, complicated report, bex datasource, refreshing , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem

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