You are performing an upgrade using the Software Update Manager (SUM) and encounter following error in the phase PREP_INPUT_CHECK/DETMAINMODE:
Directory : <DIR_PUT>/log
Name : SAPupConsole.log
Severe error(s) occurred in phase PREP_INPUT/DETMAINMODE!
Could not map kit ID 'xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' to known/supported media set!Last error code set is:
Unsupported DVD kit ID 'xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'found in'<path to download dir>\MP_Stack_0000000000_0000000.xml'
Directory : <DIR_PUT>/log
2WETQ399 Could not map kit ID 'xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' to known/supported media set!
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Unsupported DVD kit ID 'xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' found in
1EETQ399X'/<path to download dir>\MP_Stack_0000000000_0000000.xml
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "DETMAINMODE" aborted with severe errors ("20180210065810")
The DVD kit ID in the error message may vary based on the upgrade you are trying to perform.
- For an upgrade to SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5, the kit ID is d74d9fa0-ec11-11dc-c003-0030058415aa
- For an upgrade from Solution Manager 7.01 to 7.2, kit ID is 186ce540-e9cf-11e5-9c55-005056a23fdd
- For an upgrade from SAP CRM 5.2 to EHP1 CRM 7, kit ID is 3ec3c2f0-c690-11dd-8b02-0030058415aa
SAPup, SUM, EHP5, ERP, Unsupported, DVD, tool, DETMAINMODE, stack, xml, Business Suite, 2010 , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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