- After upgrade from 7.0x to 7.3x, if a user tries to delete a KM resource, deletion fails with the following error:
'ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row openSQLExceptionCategories: []'
- In the default trace the following error can be found:
SQL error occurred on connection <Database name>: code=1,427, state="21000", message="ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row"; SQL statement is "SELECT "CHILDNODEID" FROM "KMC_DBRM_RELATIONS" WHERE "TUCCID" IS NULL AND "PARENTNODEID" = (SELECT "CHILDNODEID" FROM "KMC_DBRM_RELATIONS" WHERE "TUCCID" IS NULL AND "PARENTNODEID" = ? AND "HASHCODE" = ? AND "NAME" = ?) AND "HASHCODE" = ? AND "NAME" = ?".
- SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal 7.30
- SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal 7.31
- SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal 7.40
- SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal 7.50
- KMC Content Management
remove,file,folder,document,EP,Enterprise Portal,content admin, km content, context menu , KBA , EP-KM-CM , Content Management , Problem
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