- You have installed PowerDesigner with a Floating License
- You use a license server to manage the PowerDesigner Floating License
- There is a Firewall between PowerDesigner and the License Server
- You are using static ports to communicate between PowerDesigner and the license server
Upon connecting to the license server (during installation process) or starting PowerDesigner, you will get a MessageBox showing following error:
Failed to obtain 1 license(s) for PD_SHELL feature from license file(s) or server(s).
Licenses exist for PowerDesigner16.0, but a license containing the configured (LT=FL;PKG=DA) attributes could not be obtained.
Verify that PowerDesigner16.0 is configured to use the correct type of license, and either reconfigure; or generate and deploy the desired license from the Sybase Product Download Center.
License feature name: PD_SHELL
License search path: ... \PowerDesigner.server.lic
FLEXnet Licensing error:-73,125
SAP PowerDesigner (PD) All versions
PDes, FL, SYSAM, PowerDesigner, Power, Designer, PD, CR 607154, CR607154, license, port, ports, connection, connect , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , How To
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