When you try to open an Activity, system opens a new page with below information:
"Activity Cannot be completed
You can not access this activity due to one of the following reasons:
- You have decided to run your change project without a test system.
- You have requested a runtime system, but the system is not yet available.
What you can do:
- Close this activity to continue your change project without test system. The activity will be automatically reopened after the merge and must be completed in your production system.
- To request a test system, go to Implementation Projects view in the Business Configuration work center. Select your project, click Actions and Request System"
Note: This applies to all activities that have to be repeated.
- SAP Business ByDesign
- SAP Cloud For Customer and Expenses
- SAP Cloud for Customer Sales/Service
Aktivität, Betriebswirtschaftliche Konfiguration , KBA , change project , repetition required , you can not access the activity , change project without test system , activity cannot be completed , activity not completed , AP-RC-BCT , Business Config. Tools (SAP Business ByDesign , How To
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