You maintained the approval process for shopping carts with condition Product Category = AAA (Ex=10103), But shopping cart created with product category AAAA (1010301) is not sent approval.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Application and User Management work center.
- Select Approval Process view.
- Select the existing Approval Process defined for the shopping carts and then select Copy button.
- Maintain the condition as product category= AAA.
- Maintain the Validity and select Save button.
- Now create the shopping cart with Product category=AAAA.
- Post the shopping cart.
Use wild card characters in the approval process definition within the Product category value:
Ex. 10103* to match 10103 and 1010301 but also 101031111, etc.
KBA , AP-POP-PO , Purchase Order , How To
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