In BusinessObjects Business Intelligence BI4.0 SP2 a formula like
=Aggregationfunction( <expression> Where (conditionOn([Measure]) ForEach ([Dim]))) ( with [Dim] is not in the table where the formula is asked) was not always returning the correct result.
Ex: =Sum(1 ForEach ([Display ID]) Where (IsNull([Actual ROI])))
In BI 4.0 SP05 this formula displays always correct results.
If you have created a report with BI4.0 SP2 with this formula, this report may show different results (but correct) in BI4.0 SP05.
- BusinessObjects Business Intelligence BI4.0 SP2 patch 14
- BusinessObjects Business Intelligence BI4.0 SP05
formula,foreach,where,null,migrate,webi,incorrect , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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