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1866155 - PowerBuilder 12.5.x: Executing Informix Stored Procedure results in "Numeric value out of range" error message


Running a stored procedure with bind variables results in the following error:

PowerBuilder ODBC trace:

(4a76048): *** ERROR -11025 ***(rc -1) : SQLSTATE = 22003
[Informix][Informix ODBC Driver]Numeric value out of range.

ODBC Trace log:

DIAG [22003] [Informix][Informix ODBC Driver]Numeric value out of range. (-11025)




SAP Sybase PowerBuilder 12.5.1

Informix 9

Informix SDK 2.8.0

Informix ODBC Driver 3.8.1


SAP PowerBuilder 12.5


PB 12.5.0, PB 12.5.1, PB 12.5.2, IN9, I10 , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , Problem

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