SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1867300 - Error Message: Incompatible Migration Template; Upload an updated template, While Uploading a Fixed Asset (Extended) Migration File


When you try to upload a Migration file for Fixed Asset (extended), system throws below error message:

Incompatible Migration Template; Upload an updated template


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Business Configuration work center.
  2. Select Implementation project view.
  3. Select a Change Project or Implementation project.
  4. Select Open Activity List button.
  5. Go to Integrate and Extend phase.
  6. Search and open the Migration of Accounting Transaction Data activity.
  7. Select Migrate accounting transaction data using the migration tool link.
  8. Select Upload File button for Fixed Asset Migration Object.

Note: The Migration Template that you are try to upload is Fixed Asset (Extended).


The cause for the issue is that you are uploading the Fixed Asset (Extended) Migration Template into Fixed Asset Migration Object.


If you want to upload this template then follow the below steps,

  1. Go to Business Configuration work center.
  2. Select Implementation project view.
  3. Select a Change Project or Implementation project.
  4. Select Open Activity List button.
  5. Go to Integrate and Extend phase.
  6. Search and open the Migration of Accounting Transaction Data activity.
  7. Select Migrate accounting transaction data using the migration tool link.
  8. Highlight Fixed Asset Migration Object row.
  9. Select Actions button and choose Edit Unit.fixed asset 1.jpg
  10. Mark Use extended migration template for migration of fixed assets at the bottom of the pop up, as shown in the below screenshot:

fixed asset extended.jpg


 Fixed Asset (Extended), Incompatible Migration Template, Migration of Accounting Transaction Data activity, Fixed Asset Migration, Edit Unit , KBA , fixed asset (extended) , incompatible migration template , migration of accounting transaction data , SRD-CC-MIG-CNT , Migration: Content , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions