- CIF Generating the SPP logs in SCM APO system, even customer is not using SPP application.
- After Customer upgrade SCM APO system from lower versions (SCM APO 5.0 or Lower) to Higher versions (SCM APO 5.1 or 7.0 or 7.01 or 7.02, 7.03 and 714), Found SPP logs in Transaction SLG1 or CIF logs.
- Table BALHDR with SPP Application Object SCM_SPL_REP, is growing very fast.
- Table /SCMB/SPLRXLOGD or /SAPAPO/SRVFCSF is growing very fast.
- DB deadlock during Service Fill document update
- Service Parts Planning(SCM-APO-SPP).
CIF logs, CIF,Object SCM_SPL_REP, SPP,table /SAPAPO/SRVFCSF, SLG1,/SCMB/SPLRXLOGD, Database Table /SCMB/SPLRXLOGD,/SAPAPO/SRVF_SRVFILL063,Transaction /SCMB/SPLREP_DISPLOG,Table BALHDR, , Inconsistency in GUID determination schedule line, the Report /SAPAPO/SRVF_PROG_DELE_SFD also deletes entries of tables /SAPAPO/SRVFCSI, /SAPAPO/SRVFCSL and /SAPAPO/SRVFCSC , KBA , table balhdr , /scmb/splrep_displog , database table /scmb/splrxlogd , data base table /sapapo/srvfcsf , SCM-APO-SPP , Service Parts Planning , SCM-APO-SPP-SFA , Service Fill Analysis , SCM-APO-SPP-INB , Inbound Delivery Monitor , SCM-BAS-SCR , Tools for Analytics - Basic Functions , How To
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