When creating a marketing plan object as an element for another marketing plan object the External ID is not generated as per the coding mask defined in Customizing. Depending on how the child element is created different external IDs are generated.
The External ID should be consistent independently if the element gets created from the hierarchy view or from the element assignment block.
Marketing Plan Application in CRM WEB UI
Auto-naming BAdI; auto-numbering BAdI; Marketing planner; automatic naming; External ID; Marketing objects; CRM_MKTPL; CRM_MKTPL_OL_OBJ; Marketing Plan; Marketing Plan Element; Campaign; Campaign Element; Hierarchy View; MKTPRJ_HIER/HierarchyTree Externe ID; Marketingobjekte; Marketingplan; Marketingplanelement; Kampagne; Kampagnenelement; Marketingprojekthierarchie; Marketingprojekthierarchieansicht , KBA , CRM-MKT-MPL , Marketing Planner , CRM-MKT-MPL-CPG , Marketing Planning and Campaign Management , Problem
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