- After upgrading to BOE XI 3.1 SP6, Publication scheduled to email destination for "dynamic recipients" shows successful status.
- Unable to get the output in the destination.
- In the publication logs following warning is seen:
WARN [PublishingService:HandlerPool-21] BusinessObjects_PublicationAdminLog_Instance_1826 - [Publication ID # 1826] - Unable to find any distributable documents in scope batch with ID 1,834. Please check your publication configuration and ensure that the CMS is running. (FBE60016)..2013-04-09 06:47:14,877 WARN [PublishingService:HandlerPool-21] BusinessObjects_PublicationAdminLog_Instance_1826 - [Publication ID # 1826] - Unable to find any distributable documents in scope batch with ID 1,834, scope 1. (FBE60034)......
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP6
ADAPT01690968, ADAPT01690969 Publication, Dynamic recipients, email, destination, no output generated, SP6, fp6.4, fp7.1, sp04, schedule , KBA , BI-BIP-PUB , Publishing and scheduling in InfoView/BI launch pad , Problem
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