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1872011 - DDLGEN 15.7 creates lwp for every sql statement in the java code - ASE


  • Problem in DDLGEN java code
  • It creates every “single use” statement as a prepared statement which in turn creates a light weight procedure (lwp). It then executes the proc once then destroys it.
  • Here is the monSysSQLText showing the problem.
    Using ddlgen of 15.7 ESD#1, with SYBASE_JRE-6_0_6, on a ASE 15.7ESD#1 server  

create proc dyn30013 as SELECT text FROM AUDIT.dbo.syscomments D,AUDIT.dbo.sysprocedures P WHERE = 1894766303 AND = AND P.sequence = 0 AND P.status & 4096 = 4096
create proc dyn29887 as SELECT text FROM AUDIT.dbo.syscomments D,AUDIT.dbo.sysprocedures P WHERE = 1350764365 AND = AND P.sequence = 0 AND P.status & 4096 = 4096
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30051:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30013:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn29887:
create proc dyn30051 as select isnull(lobcomp_lvl, 0) from AUDIT.dbo.syscolumns where id = 1958766531 and name = 'PositionDate'
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30013:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn29887:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30051:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30014:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30051:
create proc dyn30014 as SELECT status2 from AUDIT.dbo.syscolumns where id = 1830766075 and name = 'ModifiedBy' and lobcomp_lvl = null
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30052:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30014:
create proc dyn30052 as SELECT text FROM AUDIT.dbo.syscomments D,AUDIT.dbo.sysprocedures P WHERE = 2038766816 AND = AND P.sequence = 0 AND P.status & 4096 = 4096
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30014:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30052:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30015:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30052:
create proc dyn30015 as select isnull(lobcomp_lvl, 0) from AUDIT.dbo.syscolumns where id = 1830766075 and name = 'ModifiedBy'
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30053:
DYNAMIC_SQL dyn30015:
create proc dyn30053 as SELECT status2 from AUDIT.dbo.syscolumns where id = 1958766531 and name = 'SecurityNum' and lobcomp_lvl = null



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 ESD#1
  • ddlgen of ASE 15.7 ESD#1 with SYBASE_JRE-6_0_6


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7


KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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