You are seeing ORA-00060 error in the alert log file, as below:
ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/PRD/saptrace/usertrace/prd_ora_9175250.trc
There might be also a short dump reported in ST22:
Date and Time 10.10.2012 11:38:14
Short text
SQL error in the database when accessing a table.
What happened?
The database system detected a deadlock and avoided it by rolling back
your transaction.
Database error text........: "ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for
Internal call code.........: "[RSQL/UPDT/ADRC ]"
Please check the entries in the system log (Transaction SM21).
This KBA has additional information about the error ORA-00060 referred on SAP Note 84348, and focus specially on the APPLICATION DEADLOCK cases, that is not documented on mentioned note.
- SAP systems with Oracle database
- Not restricted to a product or product version
ORA-60, ORA_60, ORA_00060,DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR,CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB, solution, database, oracle,db, lock, locks, slow, performance, deadlock_detected_while_waiting_for_resource, DEADLOCK_DETECTED, Database_error_60,Database_error_60_at_FET, ORA-00060:_Deadlock_detected, update, delete, insert, select, how_to, how_to_solve,SBP, patch, SAP, start, load, data,bw, bi, root_cause, RCA,init_trans, max_trans, from, what_to_do, bundle_patch, patch_collection, dead_lock, hang, hanging, upgrade, starting, loading, transaction, log, graph, deadlock_trace, Transaction_Deadlock, ad-hoc_SQL,rowid, session,objn,obj, dictionary,pid, application_name, waiting_sessions, action_name, End_of_information, block, (_ORA-00060_), dump_file, oracle_process, installation, client_info, kvsprint, add-on, nriv, program, adk, dump, sql_error_60, runtime, 19c, 18c, 11g, 10g, deadlock graph, oracle deadlock, application deadlock , KBA , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , BW-WHM-DST-DTP , Data Transfer Process , BW-SYS-DB-ORA , BW ORACLE , BW-WHM-DST , Data Staging , BC-UPG-OCS , Online Corr. Support (Tools:Supp.-Pack., Addon Install/Upgr) , BC-UPG-OCS-SPA , Support package tools for ABAP , BW-WHM-DBA-DSO , DataStore Object (classic) , SV-BO , Backoffice Service Delivery , BW-WHM-DBA-MD , Master Data , BW-WHM-DBA-ICUB , InfoCubes , BC-DB-ORA-DBA , Database Administration , SV-BO-DB-ORA , Service Delivery Oracle DB , Problem
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