There are three situations where problems can occur when indexing data from SAP NetWeaver BW to SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator:
during initial filling (first time to set up a BWA system, the rebuild after an upgrade to BW 7.3x, or simply if an InfoProvider that was not indexed before gets indexed),
the roll-up or change-run and also at the time queries are run. These problems can have the following symptoms:
- Indexing fails
- Parallel indexing process terminated
- TREXIndexServer crashes
- There is high CPU load on a specific blade
- When running queries, user might get following errors: "Join index create error," "The index is temporary not available," etc
SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse Accelerator (BWA)
hardware configuration, network, blade, storage, ping, hosts, python tool, rfc, TREXRfcServer, RFC_CHECK, sm37, bw_tr_rsddb_biaindex_fill, BI_BIA_MD_INDEX_DELETION ,BI_BIA_NEWMD_INDEX, "Error occurred during serialization, Parallel indexing process terminated, RSDDTREX_ADMIN_MAINTAIN , se38, CHANGERUNMONI, RSDDTREX_SINGLE_TABLE_INDEX, /var/log/ messages , KBA , BC-TRX-BIA , TREX BI Accelerator , BW-BEX-OT-BIA , BW Accelerator , How To
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