You wish to update or remove the embedded tomcat from the installed package.
The packaged tomcat is provided as is. It is not supported by SAP. It will not generally be patched by or otherwise updated by SAP unless new releases of SAP software require new functionality found in newer versions of tomcat. Tomcat is provided as an optional component during the installation process, and is only included for convenience when setting up test or proof of concept environments.
It is recommended that for production servers you install tomcat or other web application server using its own installer from the vendor. Tomcat is perfectly capable of handling the demands of production, but due to product enhancements or security vulnerabilities that are discovered over time you may wish to keep it updated, and this is more easily facilitated when it is not the embedded version we provide. Security vulnerabilities are not unique to tomcat, they are a fact of life with any software.
BusinessObjects XI31
KBA , 3.1 , enterprise , 3.x , 3.0 , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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