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1872990 - Various error messages related to incorrect resolution of localhost


The symptoms that could indicate that the localhost is incorrectly configured:

During the execution of the startsap script:

Starting Startup Agent sapstartsrv
FAIL: Timeout
Startup of Instance Service failed


During the execution of the sapconrtol command:

<hostname>:<sid>adm 1> sapcontrol -nr 01 -function GetProcessList

14.10.2012 16:49:57
FAIL: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connection timed out), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen()

although the corresponding sapstartsrv process is running:

<hostname>:<sid>adm 2> ps -ef | grep sapstartsrv
  <sid>adm 27532     1  0 19:13:05 ?         0:06 /usr/sap/<SID>/SCS01/exe/sapstartsrv pf=/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/START_SCS01_<hostname> -D


The message server fails to start and protocols the following in the message server trace dev_ms:

[Thr 01] ***LOG Q01=> MsSInit, MSStart (Msg Server 1 14965)
[Thr 01] SigISetDefaultAction : default handling for signal SIGCHLD
[Thr 01] ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: <IP address>:65000: bind (227: Can't assign requested address)
[Thr 01] *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 1/sock 7
    (SI_EADDR_NAVAIL/227; I4; DG; <IP address>:65000)
[Thr 01] *** ERROR => NiIWakeupBind: NiIBind failed (rc=-16)
[Thr 01] *** ERROR => NiWakeupOpen: NiIWakeupBind failed (rc=-16)
[Thr 01] *** ERROR => MsSInitWakeupServer: NiWakeupOpen failed (NIEMYHOST_VERIFY)
[Thr 01] *** ERROR => MsSInit: MsSInitWakeupServer rc=(NIEMYHOST_VERIFY)
[Thr 01] *** ERROR => MsSInit failed, see dev_ms for details
[Thr 01] ***LOG Q02=> MsSHalt, MSStop (Msg Server 14965)


The dispatcher fails to start and protocols one of the following in the dispatcher trace dev_disp:

*** ERROR => NiDgHdlBindName: invalid hostname 'localhost' (rc=-2;hdl 0)
*** ERROR => DpCommInit: NiDgHdlBindName failed: -8
*** DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpCommInit

NiBufSend starting
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiHLGetHostName: retrying to get hostname for ''
***LOG Q0I=> NiIWrite: writev (32: Broken pipe)

Wed Dec  7 09:10:30 2011
***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (227: Can't assign requested address)
*** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 0 / sock 8
    (SI_EADDR_NAVAIL/227; I4; DG; <IP address>:3270)
*** ERROR => DpCommInit: NiDgHdlBindName failed: -16
*** DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpCommInit


Work processes protocol the following in the trace file dev_w*:

M  ***LOG Q0I=> NiPConnect2: <IP address>:65000: connect (239: Connection refused)
M  *** ERROR => NiPConnect2: SiPeekPendConn failed for hdl 26/sock 17
    (SI_ECONN_REFUSE/239; I4; ST; <IP address>:65000)
M  *** ERROR => IcmConnect: NiConnect to localhost:65000,-1 (rc=-10)
M  *** ERROR => ThPlgConnectToIcm: IcmConnect failed (-10)


Standalone enqueue server cannot start and protocols the following in the trace file dev_enqio_* (on SCS/ASCS):

[Thr 1029] Sun Jun 26 05:19:49 2011
[Thr 1029] profile    /usr/sap/PPS/SYS/profile/PPS_SCS01_hollxd23
[Thr 1029] hostname   hollxd23
[Thr 1029] ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (68: Can't assign requested address)
[Thr 1029] *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 1 / sock 17
    (SI_EADDR_NAVAIL/68; I4; DG; <IP address>:65000)
[Thr 1029] *** ERROR => unable to bind NiHandle: NIEMYHOST_VERIFY



Unexpected issues in SWPM and SUM during the system installation and ugprade proceudre.

Unexpected issues are often caused by incorrect resolution of localhost, including but not limited to:

  • UI launching issue in SWPM and SUM,
  • Authentication issue in SWPM and SUM,
  • Service communication issue in SUM.



KBA , BC-NET , Obsolete - Formerly used for network tests , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , Problem

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