- The transfer of reconciliation keys with transaction FPG1 ends with 'Error in ACC Interface'.
- The reconciliation key status displays a red light.
- Under 'Error Description' you can see error 'GL account does not exist, please correct' with message no. >0 204.
- In the message text you can see the company code but the GL account is empty or filled with *.
- Release: SAP R/3 4.6C and following
- SAP IS-U/CCS - Industry Solution for Utilities / Customer Care & Service
- FI-CA - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Hauptbuchübernahme Übernahme Abstimmschlüssel Summensätze Hauptbuch Fehlermeldung RWIN-Schnittstelle Sachkonto im Buchungskreis nicht vorhanden zum Löschen vorgemerkt Buchungsbereich Transferkonto Übertragungskonto >0204 204(>) >0-204 FKK_HKONT_FILED_SEL_LIST_READ RFKKGL00 , KBA , IS-U-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , IS-T-CA , Contract Accounting , FS-CD , Collections and Disbursements , IS-PS-CA , Public Sector Contract Accounting , FI-CAX , Non-industry specific contract accounts receivable, payable , XX-PROJ-FI-CA , obsolete: Please use Component FI-CA instead , Problem
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