- Communication error (14)
- 'ANGEL' connection failed
- Ending transmission
- Intermittent communication errors for user
- The report from users are sporadic, sometimes the transmit works well then it will fail
- There are random users complaining about the disconnect, it happens throughout the day
- The error (14) happens in the middle of the transmit and may be random in no particular order
- The error (14) is not time out related because it happens in the middle of transmit and within the time out specified
Agentry 6.0
Agentry 6.0
KBA , MOB-SYC , Syclo Mobility , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , MOB-SYC-OTH , Syclo Mobility for other backend , MOB-SYC-IBM , Syclo Mobility for IBM backend , Problem
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