During ABAP import phase of system copy using sapinst (SWPM sapnote: 1680045) with R3load based system copy option or during system installation the package load is failed with one of the following errors, which can be found in package-logs, (/<sapinst_instdir>/<SAPTABART>.log or in test_MIGKEY.log):
- (RD) ERROR: unexpected end of file <SAPTABART>.TOC (e.g. in test_MIGKEY.log)
- (RFF) ERROR: invalid checksum in data file
current table was "<table name>"
(DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
- (RFF) ERROR: "<exportdump_dirertory>/DATA/<SAPTABART>.TOC is not from the same
export as "<exportdump_dirertory>/DATA/<SAPTABART>.001
R3load based system copy or SAP system installation
test_MIGKEY.log, unexpected end of file, invalid checksum in data file, R3load, SWPM, system copy, installation , KBA , test_migkey.log , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , Problem
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