- After following steps in Note 1637515 to copy BRF+ objects from client 000 to another client, the imported BRF+ object still does not open.
The following error message shows instead:
'Not a valid BRF plus ID'
- Inconsistencies are found in the import stage (step 14 of the Note 1637515), as shown below:
SAP GRC Access Control 10.X
SAP GRC Access Control 12.0
problem in the import of Table 'Table' ID, Problem in the import of Element 'Element' ID, Problem in the import of Structure 'Structure' ID, 80E, (invalid!) does not exist, XML Export, Include Referenced Objects, Download XML File, Generate XML File, Test Run, Upload File, hr trigger, brfplus, Missing BRF+ rules., not valid BRF plus ID, XML Import, Test Run, upload file, xml export, functionID, client 000, transport, client copy, delivered BRF+ rule, Not a valid BRF plus ID, Pre-delivered BRF+ rules, Access Control 10.0, BRF rules, empty BRF library, Include Referenced Objects, generate xml file, download xml file, workbench, missing, transport, Objects(s) in XML file is consistent , KBA , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , BC-SRV-BRF , Business Rule Framework (For BRF+, use BC-SRV-BR) , How To
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