- Reports with elements in non-printable area are shown correctly in print preview
- When the report is sent to a printer, the elements are scaled and thus moved to printable area resulting in incorrect looking output
- SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio
- Microsoft Visual Studio (2010 / 2012)
- The registry key DealWithMinimalMarginsWhenPrinting is not being read by the Crystal Reports Print Engine
- The issues has been reported for a fix
- Reference: ADAPT01684471
- The issue is resolved in Service Pack 6 for SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio
- The Crystal Reports SDK (PrintToPrinter API) will not read the key
- Only the InProc RAS SDK will read the registry key
- Example code:
ReportDocument reportDocument = new ReportDocument();
reportDocument.Load(@"C:\Test\CrystalReportsApplication1\CrystalReport1.rpt");CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.PrintReportOptions printReportOptions = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.PrintReportOptions();
printReportOptions.AddPrinterPageRange(1, 1);
printReportOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.CrPaperSizeEnum.crPaperSizePaperA4;
printReportOptions.PrinterName = @"\\CNPVGL002\CN64_BW";
CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.ISCDReportClientDocument rptClientDoc = reportDocument.ReportClientDocument;
CRVS CR4VS shrunk shrink small printer key registry margin , KBA , BI-DEV-NET-SDK , .NET SDK / COM SDK , Problem
SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio