The aim of this document is to specify the options system administrators have to enable/disable directory browsing or listing on SAP Netweaver application server java release 7.1 and higher.
NOTE: This option should be enabled after considerable consideration from a security perspective as it can be used for exposing sensitive data.
It is not recommended to do this on productive environments. Aliases that you maintain should point to only those file directories that are actually needed for monitoring and not to root catalogues / directories that can potentially contain sensitive information.
There is no user based authorization for this feature, so should be enabled keeping in mind the security risks.
For a similar document on checking the configured Application Aliases, check SAP KBA 2586026 .
- SAP NetWeaver AS Java
AL11 J2EE server, filesystem J2EE, Application server JAVA,531495 Configuration virtual hosts Directory List host -enable dirList host -disable dirList ,SAP Production ABAP R/3 ERP SRM CRM ERP PPM SEM APO XI PI PORTAL Test development QA, , KBA , kde , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , How To
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