SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1879086 - Invoice Split Occurs due to a Different Seller Tax Number even though the Seller Tax Number Should be the Same for all Items


When invoicing an Outbound Delivery Invoice Request an invoice split occurs due to a different Seller Tax Number even though the Seller Tax Number should be the same for all items.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
  2. Select the Invoice Requests view.
  3. Select All Invoice Requests in the Show field.
  4. Select the outbound delivery invoice request ABC (ABC represents the ID of the invoice request).
  5. Click on the Invoice button.
  6. The system will suggest 2 invoices.
  7. Select both and click on the Split Analysis button.
    The system will display the Seller Tax Number XXX for Invoice#1 (XXX represents the seller tax number).
    The system will display the Seller Tax Number YYY for Invoice#2 (YYY represents the seller tax number).

You expected that the Seller Tax Number for both items is YYY.


The outbound delivery invoice request ABC is based on sales order EFG (EFG represents the sales order ID).

You have created sales order EFG as a copy of an existing sales order.

When you copy an existing document, the system considers the tax number related data in the existing document as a specific data provided by the user and not as system proposed/determined data. Also when you change the Ship From party, this has no impact and will not re-determine the tax data. Therefore in your case you will see for item 10 the seller tax number XXX whereas for item 20 the updated tax number is YYY.


To solve this issue please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Sales Orders work center and select the Sales Orders view.
  2. Select sales order EFG and click on the Edit button.
  3. Click on the View All button and navigate to the Items tab.
  4. Select line item 10 and navigate to the Taxes sub tab.
    Note down the Tax Country and the Tax Code used for this item.
  5. In the field Tax Country enter another country e. g. US and press the enter key on your keyboard.
  6. Now change the Tax Country again to the same Tax Country you have noted down previously.
  7. In the field Tax Code, change the Tax Code back to the same Tax Code you have noted down previously.
  8. Save your changes.

The system determines now the correct Seller Tax ID YYY for line item 10 and you can invoice outbound delivery invoice request ABC. The invoice split will not occur.


Invoice Split; Sales Order; Copy; Seller Tax Number; Tax Country; Outbound delivery invoice request; Items , KBA , AP-CI , Customer Invoice Processing , How To


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