When customizing a repository/archive using transaction OAC0 and then clicking on button 'CS Admin'. An error messages similar to the following will appear (there can be many different error messages, not just those mentioned here):
HTTP error: 501 Not Implemented
ICS:5003: The ArchiveLink command ?adminContRep?is not supported in this scenario
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
HTTP 400 Bad request 5010: wrong usage Wrong Usage! 501 Not Implemented ICS:5003 CMS025, HTTP error: 400 bad request bad request, HTTP error: 400 bad request, Unknown command configSet in mode PUT, ICS:5009: The specified ArchiveLink method is not known or not supported: adminContRep(PUT), ICS:5009, ICS:5003, The specified ArchiveLink method is not known or not supported: adminContRep(PUT), adminContRep(PUT), The specified ArchiveLink method is not known or not supported, SsfVerify: there are signer errors (5), , KBA , BC-SRV-KPR-CS , SAP Content Server , BC-SRV-KPR , Knowledge Provider , How To
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